Celebrate the Nativity of Christ
The Ascension of Our Lord Parish wishes you and your loved ones a peaceful, spiritual and blessed Nativity season. During the Christmas Fast, may we remain focused on Christ's birth through increased prayer, communion, confession and fasting. May our hearts become another Bethlehem so that Christ will dwell within us!
THE NATIVITY FAST takes place November 15 - December 24. During the Fast, Ascension will hold Sarantaliturgo - 40 Liturgies to help us spiritually prepare for our Lord's birth. Ascension's Liturgical calendar as well as links to events, articles, daily readings and devotions can be found below.
Schedule of Divine Services for Christmas 2024 & Epiphany 2025
Fr. Sotiri's Christmas Message 2024
Sarantaliturgo Schedule & Prayer Requests
Visit Fr. Sotiri's Confession Scheduling Calendar
Limited copies of the Philoptochos cookbook “Let’s Cook” are still available for Christmas giving to children, grandkids and koumbari! Reserve yours today!
Pick up an order form on the parish ministry wall or click HERE for more information.
Epiphany Home Blessings
+ Daily Bible Readings, Saints & Feasts
+ Greek Orthodox Archdiocese Advent and Nativity Resources
+ GOA Center for Family Care Introduces: Finding Our Roots in Jesus’s Family Tree: An Advent Video Series
+ Antiochian Archdiocese Advent, Nativity and Theophany Resources
Includes information on Fasting and the Liturgical Cycle of the Nativity and Theophany Season
+ Preparation for Holy Confession
+ Suggestions for hosting a Lenten Coffee Hour during the Nativity Fast (coffee hour temporarily suspended)
+ Suggestions for hosting a Lenten Meal during the Nativity Fast
+ Lessons in the Faith: Epiphany/Theophany, by Reverend Fr. Sotirios P. Malamis. Published in "Windy City Greek" in November 2015
+ Let's Celebrate: The 12 Days of Christmas, by Melissa Tsongranis, Associate Director for the Center for Family Care
Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America
+ What Are the Twelve Days of Christmas
By Fr. Andrew George
The commemoration of the Nativity of our Lord, the Baptism of our Lord, and the events related to them developed over time in the life and practice of the Church. Originally celebrated together on the same day, their celebrations - and the sequence of 12 days in between them - offers the faithful a festal period of great joy.
+ In the Beginning -- Reflections on the Nativity Fast
by Fr. Stavros N. Akrotirianakis
+ The Nativity Fast - Why We Fast
November 15, marks the beginning of the Nativity Fast (40 days before Christmas). The following article offers some thoughts on the purpose of fasting.
THE FEAST OF ST. KATHERINE, which takes place on November 25, is a very special Feast Day for us at Ascension since in 2019, our chapel was dedicated to, and named after this great Saint. On Monday, November 25th, we will celebrate Orthros (8 a.m.) and Divine Liturgy followed by Artoklasia (9 a.m.) in our chapel to honor this Saint, venerate her Holy icon, and pray for St. Katherine’s intercessions as we approach the Nativity season as a Parish Family. We also have the great blessing of celebrating daily Liturgies during the Nativity Fast in our beautiful chapel. Please join us in prayer
POINSETTIA YOUTH FUNDRAISER: The deadline for ordering poinsettia's has passed. Plants will be ready for pickup on Sunday, December 8 after Liturgy. This is a pre-order sale only! Thank you for supporting our youth!
The Deadline has passed.
Join the many families of our Parish in expressing Christmas greetings to all members and friends of our Ascension Church. Deadline: December 2nd.
Thank you for continuing to support Ascension!