March 23, 2025: Liturgy Sermon Series 3: Epistle, Gospel, Liturgy of the Faithful
March 15, 2025: Liturgy Sermon Series 2: Small Entrance, Hymns, Trisagion Hymns
March 9, 2025: Liturgy Sermon Series 1: Intro, Litany of Peace, Antiphons
March 2, 2025: Forgiveness is a Powerful Gift Our Lord Gives to Us
February 23, 2025: What if Christ Enters the Room Right Now?
February 16, 2025: Tears of Repentance
February 9, 2025: Repentance is the Foundation of Our Relationship with God, Pastoral Assistant John Anton
February 2, 2025 | Youth Sunday: Presentation, Purpose, and Perseverance in Orthodox Christian Youth, Guest Homilist Dr. John Fotopoulos
January 26, 2025: Bring Christ to Others
December 29, 2024: Like Joseph, Guard the Gift of Our Lord, Pastoral Assistant John Anton
December 22, 2024: God is With Us, His Eminence Metropolitan Nathanael
December 8, 2024: Be Spiritually Attentive to the State of Your Heart
December 1, 2024: God Anticipates Us with His Grace
November 24, 2024: Faith is Not a Task List but a Transformation, Pastoral Assistant John Anton
November 17, 2024: Harness the Power of Purpose
November 10, 2024: St. Arsenios is an Example of Sacrifice & Offering to our Lord
November 3, 2024: Who is the Lazaros at Your Gate? His Grace Bishop Timothy
October 27, 2024: Touching the Grace of God will Revive Us
October 20, 2024: We Are God's Holy Temple Pastoral Assistant John Anton
October 13, 2024: Do Not Let Distraction Distract You from Being One with Christ
October 6, 2024: Compassion (Co-Suffering) Knows No Limits
September 29, 2024: Love Christ in Your Enemies, Pastoral Assistant John Anton
September 22, 2024: Honest Work & Obedience to the Call of God Brings Blessings
September 15, 2024: Keep Your Soul Intact and Connected to the Divine
September 9, 2024: Bring Christ Into Everything You Do as a Family
August 25, 2024: The Danger of Getting Distracted, Pastoral Assistant John Anton
August 18, 2024: Offer What You Have with Humility to Christ
August 11, 2024: St. Paul Offers Us a Parish Blueprint
August 6, 2024: What Does the Transfiguration Mean to Us?
August 4, 2024: Philotimo
July 28, 2024: Believe in Your Heart & Confess with Your Lips
July 7, 2024: St. Kyriake, a True Follower of Christ
June 30, 2024: Our Church Calls Us to a Synaxis
June 16, 2024: The True Faith of The Fathers, Pastoral Assistant John Anton
June 13, 2024: Holy Ascension, Sermon by His Grace Bishop Timothy
June 12, 2024: Ascension Great Vespers, Sermon by Fr. Dimitri Tobias
June 9, 2024: Christ's Illumination Dispels the Darkness
June 2, 2024: Share the Message of the Gospel to All Ends of the Earth, Sermon by Fr. Stephanos Ritsi, OCMC Assistant Missionary Director
May 4, 2024: Holy Saturday Anastasi Sermon by Fr. Sotiri
April 30, 2024: Holy Tuesday, Service of the Bridegroom Sermon
April 29, 2024: Holy Monday, Service of the Bridegroom Sermon
April 28, 2024: Service of the Bridegroom Sermon, Palm Sunday
April 28, 2024: Palm Sunday: Sermon by His Grace Bishop Timothy
April 21, 2024: Grab Your Salvation by the Horns
April 7, 2024: Christ Carries Our Cross in the Darkness
March 31, 2024: Silence is a Form of Prayer, His Eminence Metropolitan Nathanael
March 24, 2024: Come and See How the Lord Works in Your Life
March 17, 2024: As We Embark on Great Lent, Let Us Clothe Ourselves In Christ, Pastoral Assistant John Anton
March 10, 2024: Our Why Becomes Clear When We Contemplate Judgment Day
February 25, 2024: Before Lent Begins, Empty Yourself of Pride, Pastoral Assistant John Anton
February 18, 2024: Remain Persistent in Your Prayers to Our Lord
February 11, 2024: Go-Givers Wanted!
February 4, 2024: Earthly Identity vs. Heavenly Identity, Guest Homilist Elias Pagones
January 27, 2024: Approach People as Christ Approaches Zacchaios
January 21, 2024: Stay True to the Doctrine of Orthodoxy like St. Maximos the Confessor
January 14, 2024: Bear Fruits Worthy of Repentance
January 7, 2024: Following in the Footsteps of St. John, Pastoral Assistant John Anton
December 24, 2023: Christ's Mercy Pursues Us Always
December 10, 2023: Our Lord is in the Mending Business
December 4, 2023: The Power of the Jesus Prayer
November 26, 2023: What Shall I Render to the Lord for All He Has Rendered to Me? Pastoral Assistant John Anton
November 19, 2023: How Does Scripture Define the Word "Fool"?
November 12, 2023: Be Faithful Stewards of Your Gifts from God
November 5, 2023: Take Notice, because God Notices, His Grace Bishop Timothy
October 29, 2023: Faith Conquers Fear
October 22, 2023: We are Bearers of the Resurrection, Pastoral Assistant John Anton
October 15, 2023: With Christ we Never Lose our Purpose
October 8, 2023: What seeds are you harvesting?
October 1, 2023: Your Salvation Belongs to the Person Next to You
September 24, 2023: Walk with Christ, Even if You Feel Unworthy
September 17, 2023: The Crosses We Bear Humble Us
September 10, 2023: The World Keeps Changing While Christ Gives Us Life
September 3, 2023: Love, with No Strings Attached
August 27, 2023: Only Following Christ Truly Perfects Us, Pastoral Assistant John Anton
August 20, 2023: Christ Tells Us to Not Hold Grudges or Harbor Bitterness
August 13, 2023: Fuel Your Faith with the Divine and Holy
August 6, 2023: Ascend the High Mountains and Let the Church Transfigure You
July 30, 2023: God Transforms and Multiplies Every Little Offering, Pastoral Assistant John Anton
July 23, 2023: What the Eye Sees Depends on What the Heart Feels
July 16, 2023: Is Our Lantern Lit? His Grace Bishop Timothy of Hexamilion
July 9, 2023: Rest Your Heart in God's Grace and Loving Presence
June 18, 2023: Be the Light!
June 13, 2023: Find Comfort in Being a Misfit! Fr. Kosmas Kallis
May 14, 2023: Activate the Holy Spirit
May 7, 2023: Overcoming the Paralysis of Isolation Pastoral Assistant John Anton
April 30, 2023: Have Zealous Faith Combined with Good Works
April 23, 2023: A Blessed Doubt that Gave Birth to Faith
April 9, 2023: Sermon following Palm Sunday's Evening Bridegroom Service
April 9, 2023: Palm Sunday for Jesus Christ Marks the Turning Point of His Long Journey, Sermon by His Grace Bishop Timothy
April 2, 2023: Cross the Jordan to New Life Pastoral Assistant John Anton
March 19, 2023: Without a Cross There's No Crown
March 12, 2023: How Do We Encounter God? Pastoral Assistant John Anton
March 5, 2023: A Day of Victory!
February 26, 2023:Do you have a forgiving spirit?
February 19, 2023: A Prophecy and Commemoration: How Do We Prepare?
February 12, 2023: Sin is the Sickness | Repentance is the Cure
February 5, 2023: Youth Sunday, Pastoral Assistant John Anton: Abba, Give Us a Word
January 29, 2023: Great is Your Faith!
January 22, 2023: Sermon by Fr. Joshua Papas: Spark the Foolishness, like Zacchaios
January 15, 2023: Take On a New Creation
December 11, 2022: An Invitation to the Great Banquet
December 4, 2022: Consumer Christmas vs Christian Christmas
November 20, 2022: Be a Wise and Faithful Servant: Tend to Salvation & the Work of God
November 13, 2022: St. John Chrysostom: His Life is a Model of Stewardship
November 6, 2022: Go to Christ in Humility with Bold, Reverent Faith
October 23, 2022: The Holy Apostle James (Iakovos), The Lord's Brother and Epistle Author
October 16, 2022: If We Give Abundantly, We Will Receive Abundantly
October 9, 2022: Stay Active in Your Faith to Avoid Spiritual Death
October 2, 2022: Be Merciful and Forgiving So We Can All Be One
September 25, 2022: Trust in God's Word and Let Down the Net
September 18, 2022: Live as Christians in a Post-Christian Era
September 11, 2022: The Cross Gives Us Strength and Power
September 5, 2022: Moses the Prophet: Example of Patience & Endurance in Prayer
August 28, 2022: Put the Meditation of the Word of God First in Your Life, and Put the World Second
August 21, 2022: Fools to the World but Wise to Christ
August 14, 2022: Fix Your Gaze on Christ
August 7, 2022: Enrich Your Children's Lives with Christ-Centered Preparation for the New School & Ecclesiastic Year
August 6, 2022: Feast of the Transfiguration
July 31, 2022: Welcome One Another and Bear Each Other's Burdens
July 10, 2022: Love, Prayer & Humility: Pillars & Strong Foundation of Our Christian Faith
July 3, 2022: Seek First His Kingdom
June 19, 2022: Our Church Calls Us to be Saints
June 2, 2022: Feast of Holy Ascension: Sermon by His Eminence Metropolitan Nathanael
June 1, 2022: Ascension Great Vespers
Sermon by His Grace Bishop Timothy
Sermon by Homilist Fr. Thomas Alatzakis
May 29, 2022: Sunday of the Blind Man
May 22, 2022: Come to Christ with a Humble Heart
May 15, 2022: Christ is Our Anchor to Overcome Loneliness
May 8, 2022: On Mother's Day, We Celebrate the Myrrh-Bearing Women: Selfless, Brave, Devoted & Faithful
April 23, 2022: Holy Saturday: Proti-Anastasi
April 22, 2022: Good Friday Lamentations
April 17, 2022: Hosanna in the Highest! Blessed is He Who Comes in the Name of the Lord!
April 3, 2022: Climb the Ladder to Christ
March 27, 2022: The Cross Renews Our Strength During the Mid-Point of Great Lent
March 13, 2022: Triumph of Orthodoxy - Come and See!
March 6, 2022: Forgiveness Sunday: We Stand Before the Stadium of Virtues
:February 27, 2022: Judgment Sunday: Salvation is a Virtuous Path Paved with Love for our Brethren
February 20, 2022: God Awaits Us Through Our Repentance. Sunday of the Prodigal Son
February 13, 2022: On the Sunday of the Publican and Pharisee, We Remember Fr. T Who Taught us to Seek God through our Humility
January 16, 2022: Give Gratitude to God
January 9, 2022: Take the U-Turn
December 12, 2021: St. Spyridon the Wonderworker
December 5, 2021: Are We Following God Out of Form or Out of Faith?
November 28, 2021: Let Go of the Things that Have a Grip on Us
November 21, 2021: Bringing the Liturgical Atmosphere of Church into Our Homes
November 14, 2021: Our Church. Our Spiritual Home Stewardship Sunday Homily
November 7, 2021: 7th Sunday of Luke
October 31, 2021: We are Called to Care About Those Around Us
October 24, 2021: The Power of God
October 17, 2021: The Seed has been Planted: Are you Nurturing It?
October 10, 2021: Are You Entering into Christ's Gateway?
October 3, 2021: What is your Reward?
Sunday, September 26, 2021: What Starts with Alpha and Ends with Omega?
September 12, 2021: Feeling Overwhelmed with the Challenges of the World? The Cross Stands Firm!
September 5, 2021: Forgiveness is not IF we do it, but When
August 29, 2021: Sin is Destructive But God Awaits our Repentance
August 22, 2021: Christ is the Captain (sermon by Justin Glavanovits)
August 15, 2021: The Theotokos in Our Lives
August 8, 2021: Faith, Prayer & Miracles
August 1, 2021: The Protection of our Father & Mother
July 25, 2021, Sermon by Justin Glavanovits: Christ Heals All
July 18, 2021, Sermon by Fr. Kosmas Kallis: The Authentic Light of Christ is Not Taught, But it is Caught
July 11, 2021: Do Not Be Anxious
July 4, 2021: Follow Him
June 6, 2021: Our Lord Gives us Spiritual Eyes
May 30, 2021: We Can Run but we Cannot Hide
May 23, 2021: Arise and Taste the Waters of Christ
May 16, 2021: The Stone Has Been Rolled Away
May 9, 2021: Mother's Day Sermon!
May 2, 2021: Christos Anesti! Fr. Sotiri's Video Sermon delivered on Holy Pascha
April 25, 2021: Palm Sunday: Receiving the King Today
April 18, 2021: St. Mary of Egypt: Sermon by His Grace Bishop Timothy
April 4, 2021: Sunday of the Holy Cross: The Cross of Christ
March 21, 2021: Sunday of Orthodoxy: Come and See the Light!
March 14, 2021: On Silence (video sermon)
March 6, 2021: Judgement Sunday
February 29, 2021: Power of an Embrace
February 22, 2021: Edging God Out (E.G.O.)
February 7, 2021: Our God-Given Talents for Others (Youth Sunday)
February 1, 2021: Our Desire for Christ Changes Us
January 24, 2021: Don't "Pause" on Prayer
January 17, 2021: Be the One Who Returns
January 10, 2021: How Do You Define politics?
January 3, 2021: Time Is Precious - How Are We Spending It?
To view sermons by Fr. Sotiri between March and December 2020, visit our Livestream webpage
03.08.2020: The Sunday of Orthodoxy
03.01.2020: Forgiveness Sunday
02.16.2020: The Prodigal Son (sermon by Pastoral Assistant Justin Glavanovits)
02.09.2020: The Humility of the Tax Collector
02.02.2020: Youth Sunday (sermon by Fr. Kosmas Kallis, Director of the Office of Youth & Young Adult Ministries for the Metropolis of Chicago)
1.26.2020: Christ Sees Us and Responds to Our Needs
1.19.2020: Offering Thanks to God
1.12.2020: Be the Light You Wish to See in the World (sermon by Pastoral Assistant Justin Glavanovits)
12.29.19: Sunday After Nativity
12.15.19: 11th Sunday of Luke Sermon by His Eminence Metropolitan Nathanael of Chicago
12.1.19: Preparation and Anticipation
11.24.19: The Young Rich Ruler (sermon by Pastoral Assistant Justin Glavanovits)
11.17.19: The Parable of the Rich Fool
11.10.19: The Parable of the Good Samaritan
10.20.19: 6th Sunday of Luke (sermon by Pastoral Assistant Justin Glavanovits)
9.30.19: 2nd Sunday of Luke (sermon by Pastoral Assistant Justin Glavanovits)
9.15.19: Sunday After Holy Cross
9.10.19: Nativity of the Theotokos
8.25.19: St. Kosmas of Aitolos
8.18.19: 9th Sunday of Matthew (Dn. Christian Siskos)
8.4.19: Our Most Holy Theotokos
2.17.19: Sunday of the Publican and Pharisee
2.10.19: Sunday of the Canaanite Woman
12.30.18: Sunday After the Nativity (Fr. Joshua Pappas, Archangel Michael Greek Orthodox Church, Port Washington, NY)
12.9.18: The Conception of St. Anna
11.18.18: Parable of the "Rich Fool"
10.28.18: Protection of the Theotokos
10.14.18: 4th Sunday of Luke (7th Ecumenical Council)
9.30.18: Second Sunday of Luke
9.16.18: Sunday After the Elevation
9.9.18: Sunday Before the Exaltation
9.2.18: 14th Sunday of Matthew
8.19.18: 12th Sunday of Matthew
8.12.18: 11th Sunday of Matthew
8.5.18: Transfiguration of Our Lord
6.24.18: Nativity of St. John the Forerunner
6.18.18: 3rd Sunday of Matthew
6.10.18: 2nd Sunday of Matthew
3/11/18: Third Sunday of Lent: The Sunday of the Holy Cross
1.29.18: Publican and Pharisee
1.14.2018: Sunday after Theophany
12.17.17: Daniel and the Three Youths
12.3.2017: 26th Sunday: Using Our Time to Walk as Children of Light
11.19.2017: The Meaning of Stewardship
11.12.2017: Stewardship Sunday 2018
2.26.17: Sermon on Cheesefare Sunday
11.13.2016: Stewardship Sunday 2017: "St. John Chrysostom and Stewardship"
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