Ascension of Our Lord Philoptochos
Ascension of Our Lord Philoptochos Board
Left to Right: Front Row: Sophia Metropulos, Kathie Rutkowski, Anna Duros, Debbie Katsulis, Kathy Gianaras, Dina Boufis, Luba Manos, Susie Athenson. Back Row: Mary Beth Theodore, Patricia Filley, Patricia Metropoulos, Mary Ellen Esser, Sarah Blasco, Faye Kopplin, Jayne Chatzidakis, Lisa Karkazis, Andrea Rogers, Maria Lampros. (Not pictured: Elaine Simos)
Click to View Calendar & Upcoming Events!
- Philoptochos Pascha Bake Sale!
- "Let's Cook" Cookbook
- 2024-2025 Philoptochos Membership Form
- Celebration of Giving
- Online Giving
- Philoptochos Facebook Page
- Philoptochos Koliva Program
Inspiring Women, Impacting the World
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We are:
sisters ~ mothers ~ daughters ~ strong ~ intelligent ~ beautiful
classy ~ traditional ~ modern servant leaders ~ professionals ~ spiritual
and above all committed to giving back to the community and making a difference
We support:
Greek American Rehabilitation & Care Center ~ Mental Health ~ Disaster Relief
Children’s Agencies ~ Financial Assistance to Individuals ~ Northern IL Food Bank
Veterans ~ Many, Many Others
We organize events:
Cancer Walk ~ Apokreatiko Glendi ~ Bake Sales ~ Christmas Party
Children’s Christmas Breakfast with Santa ~ Parish-Wide Vasilopita
Celebration of Giving Dinner ~ Ascension Feast Day
Philoptochos President
“One Orthodox Christian Asking Another Orthodox Christian To Care”
Philoptochos: The philanthropic arm of the Orthodox Church
Our mission is to use our philanthropic efforts to willingly serve the needs of those who are poor in health, spirit and basic sustenance. Our focus is to achieve spiritual growth and enlightenment in order to accomplish our endeavors together in accordance with God’s will and within the teachings of our Greek Orthodox faith.
The Greek Orthodox Ladies Philoptochos Society, the official philanthropic organization of the Greek Orthodox Church in America, was established in November, 1931, by the late Patriarch Athenagoras I, who was then serving as Archbishop in North and South America.
The members of Philoptochos are dedicated church women (and men) who offer countless hours to the philanthropic, humanitarian, and Christian mission of the Church.
There are over 500 Philoptochos chapters in the United States. The National Philoptochos President is responsible for coordinating the National Board, the Diocesan Boards and the local Philoptochos chapters in every parish of the Archdiocese.
The main aim and purpose of Philoptochos is philanthropy, the loving care of human sufferings. Our goal is to help the poor, the destitute, the hungry, the elderly, the sick, the unemployed, the orphaned, the imprisoned, the widowed, the disabled and victims of disasters whether in our country or wherever the need arises.
In addition to these philanthropic endeavors, the Philoptochos chapters are to preserve the sacredness of the Orthodox family through family concern, service, unity of action; to perpetuate the Christian concept of marriage and upbringing of children and through it perpetuate and promote the Greek Orthodox Faith and traditions in conformity with its doctrines, canons, discipline, divine worship, and customs.
Our sacred mission is to help at all levels of our church in cooperation with our parish priest for the welfare of our church communities and the Orthodox Church in the United States. Our mission is to be achieved through our charitable and philanthropic efforts as well as through the sponsorship of educational programs that will continue to enlighten us and our fellow parishioners in our communities.
Ascension Of Our Lord Greek Orthodox Church
Click HERE to participate in our 2025 Pascha Greeting Card!
ORDER your sweet treats just in time for Pascha!