Saturday of Souls

Saturday of Souls 2025

February 22nd, March 1st, March 8th
8 a.m. Orthros | 9 a.m. Divine Liturgy


Click Here for the Online Submission Form

In addition to the memorial prayers for the departed recited in every Divine Liturgy, the Orthodox Church sets aside four Saturdays to commemorate the beloved who have fallen asleep in the Lord:  the two Saturdays preceding Great Lent; the first Saturday of Great Lent; and the Saturday before Pentecost.  These are each known as the Saturday of Souls. The tradition of the Church is that Saturday is the day to commemorate those who have fallen asleep in the Lord, since Sunday is the day of Christ’s Resurrection.  This is why the memorial service is abbreviated on Sundays after Divine Liturgy. 
On the Saturday of Souls, it is customary to bring koliva (boiled wheat) and the names of your beloved departed to Divine Liturgy.  The koliva is placed on a table in front of the icon of our Resurrected Lord.  The wheat is a symbol of the Resurrection.   It is served at memorial services for the departed faithful to affirm God’s promise that those who have died in Christ will rise again to life.  As our Lord said: "Most assuredly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it produces much grain." (John 12:24)
As you enter church, please give the koliva and names to the ushers.  You may also submit names on a form located in the Narthex, by calling the church office, or by clicking HEREYou only need to submit the names once; however, you are invited to be prayerfully present and to offer koliva each of the Saturdays. 
A note about submitting names of your beloved departed:
For Orthodox Christians, please write the Baptismal name, or name given at Chrismation.  (For example:  Tom-Anastasios, Athanasios; Sam-Samuel, Soterios; Pat-Patricia, Panayiota). If the person is not Baptized or Chrismated in the Orthodox Church, please write their name in its most formal version (For example:  Tony-Anthony; Kim-Kimberly, Rick-Richard).  

The Saturday of Souls and memorial services in general give deeper meaning to the phrase “Memory Eternal”. After a loved one leaves us, these services enable us in a profound way to demonstrate the depth of love, respect and prayers we had for them during their life.  The more we deeply engage in forever keeping our loved ones in our memories, the deeper we can pray that God may have mercy on them so that they may gain the inheritance of the Kingdom of Heaven.
Give rest, O Christ, among the Saints to the souls of Your servants, where there is no pain, no sorrow, no grieving, but life everlasting.
Kontakion of Saturday of Souls